
Statement on security for racing

The Racecourse team have long worked closely with North Yorkshire Police and the relevant Government agencies on security matters and we remain in constant contact with them and other relevant specialists.

We have detailed plans in place and have jointly invested significantly in resources, infrastructure and training to help keep the visitors to the racecourse, safe and secure.  As with other sporting, music and leisure venues these plans have been revisited ,over the closed season and where necessary, refreshed.

As you will read in the media, while the national threat level remains at “Severe” there remains no specific threat to racecourses, so the mantra from the police and Home Office is one of “alert not alarm”.

You will notice some things on arrival, notably an enhanced bag search, so to speed your entry and that of others, please plan to “travel light”. Please do not bring unnecessary bags or luggage into the racecourse. Luggage storage facilities will be provided outside of the course enclosures.

Also allow plenty of time for your arrival, inevitably it will take longer to gain access to the site. Please also bear in mind that if you exit at any stage, you will need to pass through security to re-enter. Thank you in advance for your co-operation and patience.

You will notice a visible and robust police presence. Some of these officers, both around the Racecourse and in the wider City of York, will be armed, as part of the national response to offer reassurance to the public.

Other officers will be the appropriate dog handlers.

There are always police officers on duty on a busy raceday inside the course and they will continue to work with our own professional stewards.

We also ask for your vigilance on matters of security. If you see or hear anything suspicious, please bring it immediately to the attention of the Police or our Stewards.

We want a raceday to be a chance for people to “leave their troubles at the gate” so other aspects of the security protocol will be operating in the background and you will understand why it is not appropriate to detail them.  However, please rest assured, we will be alert and working closely with the relevant professionals, as part of an initiative known as “Project Servator.”